It is an operating system belonging to the family Linux. And this is an OSthat is independent, so It is not based on any other system how could it be Debian or OpenSUSE. This software was created in USA. Use the following desktop environments: dwm, Fluxbox, flwm, GNOME, Hackedbox, i3, IceWM, JWM, Openbox, WMFS.
Use cases:
- Tiny Core Linux can be used as a workstation operating system.
- This distro can be used live, that means, without installation.
- This distro is suitable for computerswith low power, this way it can be used on almost any computer.
- Tiny Core Linux you can use it on a miniPC like Raspberry Pi.
Architectures supported by Tiny Core Linux:
i486, x86_64
This operating system has a good user base so there will be more resources on forums and websites when developing or using it.
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