It is an operating system belonging to the family Linux. Pearl Linux OS is a operating system like so many others based on OS Ubuntu. This software was created in USA. Use the following desktop environments: Cinnamon, LXDE, Xfce.
Xfce is a desktop environment that need low resources for this reason is useful for computers with low computation power. The Cinnamom desktopDeveloped by the Linux Mint project it is a colorful graphical environment and not light. LXDE is a famous desktop for Linux which aims to be light and elegant at the same time.
Use cases:
- Pearl Linux OS is thought to be a workstation operating system.
Architectures supported by Pearl Linux OS:
This operating system has a small number of users today.

By using the DEB package you have access to the huge repository of Debian and Ubuntu software.
Offical website of Pearl Linux OS
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