It is an operating system belonging to the family Linux. Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is an OS how many others based on the operating systemArch Linux. It was originally created in Brazil. Use the following desktop environments: GNOME, LXDE, MATE, Xfce.
Xfce is a desktop environment that need low resources for this reason is useful for computers with low computing power. LXDE is a desktop for Linux systems which aims to be light and elegant at the same time. MATE is a fork of the Gnome desktop.
Use cases:
- Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre has as one of its purposes to be a web server.
- This distro is thought to be a workstation operating system.
Architectures supported by Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre:
i686, x86_64
This operating system has a small number of users today.
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