It is an operating system belonging to the family Linux. Debian Edu/Skolelinux is a operating system based on the great operating system Debian. It is originally from Norway. Use the following desktop environments: GNOME, KDE, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce.
Xfce is a desktop environment lightweight by this is ideal for computers with low computing power. KDE is the great alternative to Gnome, the most used desktop in linux. It is highly customizable and somewhat heavy but less so than Gnome. LXDE is a desktop for Linux systems which aims to be light and elegant at the same time. MATE is a fork of the Gnome desktop.
Use cases:
- This distro is thought to be a workstation operating system.
- This distro is for educational purposes.
Architectures supported by Debian Edu/Skolelinux:
i386, x86_64
This operating system has a small number of users today.

By using the DEB package you have access to the huge repository of Debian and Ubuntu software.
Offical website of Debian Edu/Skolelinux
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